Friday 7 July 2017


Section 1. The brief

a.       What was the brief?

The brief consisted of an idea of someone having a long busy day, which is tiring, and is filled with challenging tasks. Our advert would then show the effects of our drink, he would be filled with energy, completing the tasks with ease and at the end of the day fatigued.

b.       What was your chosen product and how did you decide, as a group, to choose it?

The product we decided to choose was PG tips, we chose this because it was the most realistic and enjoyable to make.

c.       Who is the current target audience for the product and whom did you decide to appeal to? Why?
         The target audience we decided to aim our advert towards was teenagers and young adults. We did this because they would be the easiest group to relate as we are in that age group. The product is aimed at teens because they are commonly known for sleeping in and not having much energy in the morning, compared to middle aged/ older adults.

Section2. The finished product & feedback

a.       How did you collect the feedback (comments from others) on your finished advert from your target audience? Provide a summary of the main points.

After we finished our advert, we got feedback from people in our class who are in the age group of our target audience. We created a questionnaire to see what people thought of our advert. From the feedback people said it was entertaining and funny.

b.       Appropriateness to audience: do you think you managed to get the main message to your target audience you specified in pre-production. Would the advert have an appropriate impact on them?

Part of our message got across to our viewer but I think that some of our message was lost. Our goal was to show how energetic the drink would make you; this was a lot harder than we first thought, this would be a lot easier for a production team with a lot more money. One of the reasons that I believe that we our message partly failed is that we focused more on storyline, shots, and editing rather than how the drink would affects you. Form our feedback, all of the people who took part in the questionnaire knew the implications we were trying to get across.

c.       Think about the technical and aesthetic qualities of your advertisement. Analyse your use of mise-en-scene; camera; editing and sound.

In our advert, we used a variety of camera shots throughout the advert as we were filming in different locations and scenes including tracking and zooms. We used mise-en-scene when changing the scenery and lighting. While editing we did mess around with the speed of the shot to help demonstration how effective the drink is. We also have many fast cuts in our advert. Lastly, we have a single sound track throughout most of the advert; this also fades out when someone talks.

d.       Effectiveness of content: Do you think your finished advert effectively sells the product to the specified audience through its storyline/narrative?

I think that that the advert may appeal to some, but for the majority of people it would not sell mainly because the message was somewhat lost. We could have improved the message we were trying to get across if we spent more time on trying to make the message a lot clearer and improving the shots, we could have improved it if we did not have to keep re-shooting most of the shots. We could have aimed it more towards people who are active rather than a specific age group.

e.       What was the effectiveness of the persuasion techniques you used to sell the product?

We attempted to show our product giving people who our normally quite lethargic and unmotivated and showing that even people like that can become energetic by drinking our drink, it also shows that our product last all through the day. We could have improved the situations on in the advert but we could not think of any at the time. In spite of this, the advert got our point across quite humorously.

f.        Clarity of communication: what was the message you were trying to send to the target audience? What were the main techniques you used to send that message?

We wanted to tell our target audience that our drink gives you long lasting energy that last all day, we also aimed our advert at a younger audience, even though PG Tips is commonly aimed at an older audience. In the advert, we used a teenager who is quite unenthusiastic about doing any work, part way though they drink the drink and you can see the difference in his motivation to do work.

g.       Overall, do you feel your advert is fit for purpose?

Overall, I feel that the advert fits its purpose considering its purpose is to show that it gives you long lasting energy and can make anyone who drinks it energetic. The quality could be improved but considering that, the footage kept getting lost meaning that we had less time to improve visual or sound quality.

Section 3. Personal reflection

a.       How does the final advertisement compare with your original intentions?

The final advert was changed quite a bit from the original idea, as we had to change it to fit the period, production schedule and resources. Even though the idea changed quite a lot, I am somewhat pleased with what we made.

b.       Self-evaluation: Reflect on how satisfied you are with your final advert. Would you do anything differently if you were to undertake the task again? Finally, evaluate your own involvement in the project.

Looking back at the advert it does look very unprofessional compared with some, one of the main reasons that the quality of the video went down is because we kept losing footage. However, I am satisfied with the final project as it was fun to go out and film even if we had to do the same shots multiple times. If I had to do this again I would try making the pre-production schedule more organized and easier to follow, this is because we didn’t know how long each shot had to be, meaning that we would need to cut down the shot or re-shoot because it was too short.

My involvement in in the pre-production work was creating the item and costume list, budgeting sheet, risk assessment, and I helped with the questionnaire. While filming I was mainly helping behind the camera and was an actor.

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